Proposal of a Virtual Learning Environment About Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Care in Adults

Proposal of a Virtual Learning Environment About Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Care in Adults

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Maicon de Araujo Nogueira, Tássio Ricardo Martins da Costa, Sávio Felipe Dias Santos, Márcio Almeida Lins, Anne Caroline Gonçalves Lima, Anne Kerollen Pinheiro de Carvalho, Antonia Margareth Moita Sá, Antônio Carlos Nunes Miranda Junior, Brenda Gonçalves Fortes, Erlon Gabriel Rego de Andrade, Evelyn Tayana Maciel Mendonça, Henrique Calixto Santos da Silva, Manoel Victor Martins Marinho, Márcia Paula dos Santos Cordeiro, Andréia Rodrigues Pinto, Natália Fernandes Cunha, Paula Regina de Melo Rocha, Suanne Coelho Pinheiro Viana, Suelen Gaia Epifane, Aglaisa Cristina Nabiça Cruz

Abstract: There is still considerable variability in survival rates related to Cardiopulmonary Arrest (CA) that cannot be attributed exclusively to the patient characteristics. The lack of knowledge about the theme by professionals and students is a consequence of flaws on the basic education. This way, graduating professionals able to operate on CA situations is believed to be a primordial attitude to increase patients’ survival chances. To do so, digital strategies can be used, one of them is the Virtual Learning Environment. Thus, this paper’s objective is to develop a virtual interactive educational proposal about cardiopulmonary resuscitation care in adults. This is an applied research, which led to the development of a technological product – the elaboration of an educational proposal applied on Virtual Learning Environment. Then, it took place the cyclic phases of conception and planning, development and implementation, according to procedures and evidences reported on previous studies. The Virtual Learning Environment was called “Training in Basic Life Support (BLS)”, and has seven modules: “Historical Aspects”, “Basic Life Support”, “Epidemiology”, “Concepts”, “Anatomy and Physiology”, “Algorithms”, “Simulation and Questions”. The illustrations, formatting and layout were built by integrating two language programming technologies: Personal Home Page and JavaScript. The results of the evaluation made by the academics about the VLE usage pointed that opportunities to self-learning were created and the available resources in the environment were useful to support learning. It’s necessary to comprehend and incorporate the Virtual Learning Environment as an efficient educational tool and get aware of this knowledge as a strategy to add up new experiences and values to teachers’ practice.

Maicon de Araujo Nogueira, et al., 2018. Proposal of a Virtual Learning Environment About Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Care in Adults, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 12(11): 29-33. DOI: 10.22587/ajbas.2018.12.11.7

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